You will need a visa to enter Indonesia – in which you can obtain at the nearest Embassy or Consular Office of Indonesia in your country. Here are types of visas you could apply:


  1. Index B-211 Visa or VKSB

Another category of visit visa is VKSB (Visa Kunjungan Sosial Budaya – Social/Cultural Visit Visa) – a visa for those coming to Indonesia for a short-term stays, not as tourists and not for business. This single entry visit visa refers to Index B-211 and is valid for 30 – 60 days.


We would never recommend you to use the Visa on Arrival (VOA) which is only intended for those who are visiting Indonesia as tourists, NOT for those intending to live for an extended period of time because this kind of visa is not extendable.


Requirements to obtain the Index B-211 Visa are as follows:

  1. A letter of acceptance which invites you to stay/study in Indonesia
  2. Your passport
  3. A copy of return trip ticket
  4. A couple of photos
  5. Application form (provided by the Visa Section of the Indonesian Embassy)
  6. Visa fee


  1. VITAS (Limited Stay Visa)

Three kinds of VITAS valid for:

  1. 6 months
  2. 12 months
  3. 24 months


The process of applying the VITAS takes 2 – 3 months before your arrival in Indonesia. The reason is that Study Permit (Izin Studi) must be applied to DIKTI (the Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia – Jakarta) before you apply for VITAS.


The following are detailed documents you should prepare for Study Permit (Izin Studi) and VITAS:

  1. A letter of Recommendation from the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs of .
  2. A letter of Approval  from the Indonesian Embassy  (If you are still in your home country), from the representative Embassy/Consular Office of your country (If you are  already in Indonesia).
  3. An Academic Report/Transcript
  4. A Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  5. A letter of Declaration stating that you:
  • will obey Indonesian rules and laws
  • will not involve in any work activities
  1. A letter of Sponsorship or of Financial guarantee (if you are privately financed)
  2. Health Report (signed by a medical doctor)
  3. A copy of valid Passport:
  • 12-month passport validity remaining to apply for a 6-month SP and KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Visa)
  • 18-month passport validity remaining to apply for a 12-month SP and KITAS
  • 30-month passport validity remaining to apply for a 24-month SP and KITAS

So, if your passport nearing expiration, we recommend that you have it renew to the maximum time allowable before you begin applying procedures.

  1. Three sheets of passport-size photos (4 x 6) red background

Since Study Permit and VITAS are applied before your arrival, the International Office of PPNS will then proceed the application to the Immigration Office in Surabaya. After being approved, the Immigration Office will send a telex of a letter of approval to the Indonesian Embassy or Consular Office in related countries, in which you can get the VITAS mentioned. Therefore, please send the above documents (1 – 9) to:

Extention Procedure

  1. VKSB

The extension for VKSB or Index B-211 Visa can be applied up to 4 times and only in the same district. The first-three extension will be granted by Kantor Imigrasi, while the last will require a prior approval from the Kantor Wilayah Hukum dan Ham (Regional Office of Laws and Human Rights) before the issuance by the Kantor Imigrasi. Each extension has a legal fee of IDR 250,000, and you have to get the application forms in the Kantor Imigrasi and buy a pink file folder at the Warung Imigrasi for anything but IDR 5,000. Though this last fee has no legal basis, it is customary.


The following are the requirements to apply for the visa extension:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Directorate of Partnership and International Office
  2. A letter of sponsor (Surat Jaminan – a blank one provided by Kantor Imigrasi)
  3. A copy of KTP (Indonesian ID Card) of the sponsor
  4. Application forms
  5. A copy of Arrival Card (for the first extention)


  1. KITAS

Your KITAS must be extended 2 months before the expired date of your KITAS. The documents you should prepare are nearly the same as those when applying:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School or Study Program addressed to the Director of  Partnership and International Office
  2. A letter of recommendation issued by the International Office and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in Surabaya
  3. Immigration application forms
  4. A form of sponsorship
  5. A letter of Study Permit


To get a letter of approval from DIKTI (the Directorate of Higher Education), you should prepare the following:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of
  2. A Curriculum Vitae
  3. A financial guarantee or a letter of sponsorship
  4. A copy of a valid passport
  5. A copy of KITAS
  6. A copy of a Blue Book
  7. A copy of a Yellow Card
  8. A Copy of academic transcript
  9. A copy of a student card
  10. A copy of an MOU (for exchange students)


  1. Yellow Card

After the KITAS extension, you should also extend your Yellow Card (30 days after you get the KITAS at the latest). For this, you should prepare:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Directorate of Partnership and International Office addressed to the Head of the Regional Police Department in Surabaya
  2. An application form issued by the Police Department
  3. The original Yellow Card
  4. A letter of Study Permit
  5. A copy of STM/STMD
  6. A copy of a valid passport
  7. A copy of KITAS
  8. A copy of a Blue Book
  9. A form of sponsorship
  10. Two sheets of 3 x 4 size with a red background photographs


4. Exit Reentry and Exit Permit Only

  1. Exit Reentry

If you wish to leave and return to Indonesia, you should apply for the Exit Reentry in the Immigration Office in Surabaya seven (7) days before your departure. The following are documents you should prepare:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School addressed to the Director of Partnership and International Office
  2. A letter of recommendation issued by the International Office and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in Surabaya
  3. Application forms
  4. A copy of a valid passport

 2. Exit Permit Only

The following are documents you should prepare:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the Faculty / School addressed to the Director of Partnership and International Office
  2. A letter of recommendation issued by the International Office  and addressed to the Head of the Immigration Office in Surabaya
  3. Application forms
  4. A copy of a valid passport
  5. A copy of a return ticket


International Office
Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS)

Directorate Building 1st Floor

Jalan Teknik Kimia

ITS Campus  Keputih – Sukolilo Surabaya 60111, Jawa Timur